Tips: Preparing for a Spring sale

27 AUGUST 2023

Spring is a popular time to sell a property. While you may be focused on staging
your home, improving curb appeal, and setting the right price, there are some lesser- known areas you should also work on to maximise your sale price. Here are some often overlooked areas to consider when selling your property in spring:

Address drainage issues

Spring typically brings showers, and the last thing you want is water pooling around your property. Ensure your gutters are clean and that downpipes are directing water away from the house.

Air conditioning maintenance

Buyers will want to know that the air conditioning system works well as temperatures rise. They're also not keen to see dusty air intakes or dirty reverse-cycle units. Schedule a maintenance check and make necessary repairs to keep your home cool, smelling fresh and comfortable during inspections.

Highlight outdoor spaces

Spring is the perfect time to show off any outdoor areas, such as courtyards, decks, or gardens. Spruce up these spaces with fresh plants and flowers, new outdoor furniture, and well-maintained pathways. Fresh mulch in garden beds and a pressure hose of paths do wonders.

Pest control

Warmer weather may bring pests out of hiding. Doing a quick pest treatment with a professional can help keep bugs, cockroaches and spiders at bay. A pest-free home will give buyers peace of mind, and doing it sooner than later will ensure there a no surprise dead roaches making an appearance in random places that buyers will be likely to see.

Energy efficiency upgrades

Buyers are increasingly interested in energy-efficient homes. Consider making
minor upgrades like LED lighting or installing energy-efficient appliances to attract environmentally conscious buyers. If you have solar panels, make sure you know the kW and any special features the solar system has as buyers will be asking.


Spring clean your garage

Don't neglect your garage when preparing for sale. Clear out any clutter, organise the space, and give it a thorough clean to show potential buyers the full potential of this valuable area.

Revamp your front entrance

First impressions matter. Enhance your front entrance with a fresh coat of paint or a soft external wash, new doormats, and vibrant potted plants. If you have a fence, ensure it is in good condition, e.g. a freshly painted picket fence is more likely to pull on a buyer's heartstrings than one that is weathered and rickety. Front gates should work smoothly and with ease. Gardens and lawns should be immaculate, fresh and full of life. A welcoming entrance will make your property stand out in buyers' minds.

Arrange for a home inspection

To avoid last-minute complications before photos and well before open homes, it
is good to do a pre-market home inspection with an agent to identify and fix any problems in advance. We'll be able to highlight any potential hiccups that buyers will hone in on during inspections.

By addressing these little-known areas of preparation, you'll set your property apart from the competition and increase your chances of a successful sale this spring season. Remember, small details can make a big difference in the eyes of potential buyers.


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